HRT and Menopause

Tudor Lodge Surgery is committed to providing the best possible treatment to our patients who may be experiencing symptoms of menopause.

We have supported one of our staff members to develop an interest in menopause care, she is certified by the British Menopause Society UK and delivers evidence based practice for our patients.

We have been providing support to patients through the development of a pathway for those seeking help with their peri/menopause symptoms.  Most women of 45 years of age and over do not typically need blood tests to diagnose menopause.  We know that your natural Oestrogen levels are depleting and that symptoms will emerge.  Symptoms are varied and we assess women on an individual basis based on their clinical presentation.  

Ongoing discussions with patients are crucial to consider the best care moving forward, which balance the patient’s needs with safe, evidence-based practice.  We pride ourselves in delivering an holistic approach within the framework of an NHS Service.

We monitor our patients’ progress using the Menopause Symptom Checker tool which you can download and return to us.  We review patients at regular intervals once they have commenced hormone replacement therapy.  Lifestyle discussions around support to stop smoking, reducing and moderating alcohol use and diet and exercise are at the heart of the patient experience.  During the patient consultations we also review the uptake of NHS routine cervical screening and mammography screening.

Patients who contact us for help with any peri/menopause symptoms should be aware that this is quite an in-depth process to get the right treatment in place and it can sometimes take time for symptoms to settle.  There is a considerable amount of information for you to read about how we can help you.  It is really worth looking at the links below before you request an appointment so you understand the process.  This process is rarely a simple case of sending a prescription to the pharmacy, the treatment you receive will be a joint decision between you and the clinician.

During the development of our menopause service at the practice we have been delighted to work with other specialists in this field, one of whom, Dr Louise Newson (, has provided a wonderful endorsement of our nurse, Sharon:

“I have known Sharon for several years and I have been constantly impressed by their determination and commitment to improve the menopause care of their patients in their NHS practice. They have both worked tirelessly to liaise with their primary care team and optimise management of the menopause and perimenopause in their patients. They are committed to learning and education. They are also experts in prescribing body identical HRT which has far more benefits than risks for the majority of women. They work so hard to empower their patients so consultations are really transformational for these women. Sharon is a real ambassadors for how nurses in primary care can work to transform menopause care in the NHS. It is a real honour and privilege to know them and witness their incredible work." - Dr Louise Newson (2/6/2021)

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Menopause Symptom Questionnaire

Please fill in the questionnaire below. The surgery will be in touch following submission. Please note that we will not offer an appointment until we have received the below form. Please also note our specialist nurse works on Mondays and Tuesdays each week (Sharon Hartmann).

Frequently Asked Questions

Please review our frequently asked questions before contacting the surgery if you have questions.

Read FAQs

For further information:

How to approach your GP

Menopause is often misdiagnosed so education is paramount. If we can know what to look out for, we will be far more equipped when we go to see the GP for help and support. This week we talk to menopause specialist Sharon Hartmann. She works both in the NHS and the private sector so she has a window on both experiences.

Daisy Network

1: 100 women experience menopause before the age of 40 and 1:1000 women experience menopause before the age of 30.

Daisy Network is dedicated to providing information and support to women diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, also known as Premature Menopause

In this episode, Dr Louise Newson is joined by Specialist Nurse, Sharon Hartmann – together they discuss nurse education for menopause and HRT in primary care.

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